The 'Stock' Exchange
H.D. Beach Co.   No. 16-B  -  Woman with Red Scarf
Date:  1905 - 1908
13.5" x 16.5"
Inverted Pie
Scarcity:  Rare
Value:  $$$ to $$$$
Condition & Brewer Dependent
Old Timbrook Whiskey
Douglas, AZ
Copper City Brewing Co.
Douglas, AZ

Confirmed Brewer used Stock Trays

Non-Beer Related & Non-Tray Uses

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General Comments
Although among the more colorful of the early Beach designs, this is still a fairly simple design.  Like No. 12-B and No. 15-B the portrait occupies nearly the entire frame of the design.  We have had a difficult time trying to trace specific symbolic meaning of the red head scarf (most source point to more modern meanings) or the gold headband she is wearing.  Only the red rose in her hair can be attributed some symbolic meaning - having to do with love or passion.  It’s possible that the Beach artist (it is our belief that this is an in-house design) simply used key design elements, without any deeper symbolic intent.

Like other designs from this time frame, it features an elaborate rim that reflects the main design.  One curious element is that although the flowers on the rim are red to match the young woman’s head scarf, they are not roses like the one she wears in her hair.  Instead they appear to be poppies, which today are considered to symbolize death and remembrance.  However, that association dates back to Roman times, when the poppy was associated with Demeter, goddess of the harvest and agriculture.  Without a title or artist attribution where we could conduct further research it is difficult to decipher the intent of this rim in relation to the design.

Size, Shape and Message Placement
The few times we’ve seen this design it has been as a full-size oval tray with an elaborate red flower rim.  This is another elaborate rim that we’ve never seen on any design but this one.  It likewise didn’t lend itself well to advertising text so that appears in black on the face of the tray (and we would not be surprised to find examples with advertising printed on the back either).

Hager & Price
Like Beach No. 15, this design is neither discussed, nor included in Hager’s catalog; probably because he never encountered one.  We do not have a sale price for the lone brewery example we are aware of (Copper City Brewing of Douglas, AZ).  Nice stock examples go for higher double figures; the Old Timbrook example went for a low triple figure.