Castillo Hnos.
"Cerveceria Centro-Americana"
"Lager Bier"
Tray Manufacturer:
Gathen - Solingen
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
1910's or 20's
Size, Shape & Style:
9.5" x 13.25" x 0.5"
Rectangular - Inverted Pie - Litho
Date & Where Purchased:
January 2003
Castillo Glass
Stock Tray:
Cerveceria Centro-Americana
Comments: Wow, this is a tough one from Guatemala. Not sure what the "CA" stands for after Gutemala and not sure what "Hnos." stand for after Castillo. If you know send me an e-mail so we can clue others in please. Another interesting thing on this tray is the manufacturer, as I have never seen them before on a tray - Gathen-Solingen certainly does not sound Spanish. Inverted Pie and Litho lend me to believe this is an old tray. Very unusual, rare tray.
Brewery - Centro-Amrericana Theme - Glasses Geography - SA Tray # 1014
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