The 'Stock' Exchange
American Art Works  No. 103     "The Introduction"
Date:  1910 - 1912
13.25" x 13.25"
Scarcity:  Fairly Common
Value:  $$$ to $$$$
Condition & Brewer Dependent
Pottstown, PA
Rudolph G. Keller Bottler
Pottstown, PA
Loux Ice Cream
General Comments
No. 103, “Introduction” is the second piece from artist Alice Hirschberg (“Sunshine”, No. 101 is the other) and similarly features children, although this time two of them engaged in a scenario involving the introduction of a kitten and puppy.  One would expect this design to be popular among small retailers and other businesses that catered more toward a female clientele and be less so with breweries.  In fact, its quite the opposite.  With the exception of a stock sample, every example we have seen is from a brewery or bottler.  It is purely speculative on our part, but could this perhaps have been a clumsy attempt by the brewers to position their product as a “family friendly” beverage in the face of increasing pressure for prohibition?

Sahling has a June 1910 entry for “Stock tray No. 103, Introduction.”  As previously observed the sequencing stock numbers doesn’t always sync with the sequencing of dates recorded in the workbook.  Sahling has entries for No.  104 in August of 1909 and No. 105 in January of 1910.

Size & Shape and Advertising Placement
Every example of this design that we have seen is a square tray; we have never encountered any sign versions of this design.  The rims are black with gold advertising text.  The one exception we’ve seen (only in pictures), is an example from Lembeck & Betz, Eagle Brewing Co.which has a light greenish rim that we question the authenticity of. 

Hager & Price
This is another tray that Hager only references in his date table.  It is included in his catalog.  Although they go for better than average prices compared to other design, none of the tray of this design do outstandingly well.  As previously mentioned, the only example we’ve seen that is not from a brewery is a stock sample, which went for more than typical for a stock sample, but well below the price of the brewery examples. 

Confirmed Brewer used Stock Trays

Non-Beer Related & Non-Tray Uses

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