Berman Shoes
Cleveland, OH
Berman Shoes
Cleveland, OH
A.H. Brough Clothier
R. Klingholz & Co.
Mantiwoc, WI
Levvy & Lewin Mercantile Co.
Maxwell House Coffee
Sea Lion Tobaco Works
Cincinnati, OH
Sea Lion Tobacco Works
Cincinnati, OH
Thursdton & Kingsburry
Bangor, ME
C.H. Tower - Bottler
Adams, MA
C.H. Tower - Bottler
Adams, MA
Fred Koch Brewery
Dunkirk, NY
Sioux Falls Brewing & Malting Co.
Sioux Falls, SD
Chas. H. Daniels Brewery
Manistee, MI
Dotterwich Brewing Co.
Dunkirk, NY
Emmerling Brewing Co.
Johnston, PA
Kaufmann & Strauss
Heil's Home Brewery
Hannibal, MO
Horlacher Brewing Co.
Allentown, PA
Koschel & Mesenbrink - City Brewery
Jordan, MN
Roseburg Brewing & Ice Co.
Roseburg, OR
Standard Bottling Works
Bethlehem, PA
The 'Stock' Exchange
Meek & Beach Co. No. 44 "The Coffee Drinkers"
Date: 1903 - 1905
Size: 16.5" x 13.5"
Type: Inverted Pie
Scarcity: Uncommon
Value: $$$ to $$$$$
Condition & Brewer Dependent
Date: 1930's
Size: 13.5 x 10.5"
Type: Pie
Scarcity: Common
Value: $$ to $$$

While the early part of the Coshocton stock catalogue presented a number of mysteries involving provenance, missing designs on the Tuscarora/M&B side, and the question of why Beach stopped numbering beyond the mid-20s, No. 44 introduces a new one —licensing exclusivity. Or rather lack thereof. M&B was the most prolific issuer of this design featuring an older couple seated at a table having coffee while she is reading the newspaper. All of the M&B instances we’ve seen are the same with the exception of the advertising text. However, a variation of this design was issued by Kaufmann & Strauss (K&S) for Emmerling Brewing of Johnstown, PA with the couple enjoying steins of beer and a plate of sausages. While there are a few other minor differences (the woman’s hands are in slightly different positions and the table is woodgrain as opposed to painted in the M&B instances), they are clearly the same characters wearing outfits including their headgear. There is precedence for this (M&B No. 23 which was also used by (Shonk) but to confound matters, there is also a Meyercord sign version for Sioux Falls Brewing and Malting that hews closer to the K&S version but with advertising text on the face of the image. Like Hager when he compiled his catalog for The Breweriana Collector No. 101, we are relying on pictures and can’t confirm whether the K&S or Meyercord versions contain any artist or copyright information.
Shape & Rim & Ad Text
All of the M&B examples of this design that we have seen are oval trays with the low pie shaped rim and rolled edge and a faux marble rim design with think yellow band around the image. The K&S is a small oblong (11"x14") and the Meyercord is obviously a sign printed on wood (and framed). There is a TOC sign version from Sheffield’s Fine Drinking Coffees which carries a manufacturing signature of “The Meek Co”. This combined with a tray version from Home Tea that includes a 1905 calendar as part of the printed advertising text suggests this one remained in the catalog for at least a couple of years. Advertising text appears with both rim and face placements, usually in black text
Hager & Price
This image is not discussed in Hager, although it is included in his version of the catalog. There are a number of different brewery issuers with this design and prices tend to be fairly robust, often into four figures. Prices for non-breweries, with certain exceptions, tend to be fairly weak, although there are some notable exceptions.
Confirmed Brewer used Stock Trays
Non-Beer Related & Non-Tray Uses
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