Akron Brewing Co.
Akron, OH
12" SS Dish
Capital City Bottling Works
Harrisburg, PA
13" Inverted Pie
Columbia Brewing Co.
Shenandoah, PA
12" SS Dish
Detroit Brewing Co.
Detroit, MI
12" SS Dish
Dostal Bros. Brewery
Bucyrus, OH
13" Inverted Pie
Frank's & Sons Brewers
Poughkeepsie, NY
12" SS Dish
Frederickson Brewing Co.
San Jose, CA
13" Inverted Pie
Garden City Brewing Co.
Chicago, IL
13" Inverted Pie
Iron City Brewing Co.
Lebanon, PA
13" Inverted Pie
Kansas City Brewing Co.
Kansas City, KS
12" SS Dish
Mellet-Nichter Brewing Co.
Pottsville, PA
12" SS Dish
J.& A. Moeschlin, Inc.
Sunbury, PA
12' SS Dish
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This image is neither titled, dated or identified by stock number. It is sometimes referred to as “Young Bertha,” as the young lady resembles the the image represented on Meek & Co’s stock #99, titled “Bertha.”
There are a number of minor variations based on what is on the tray she is carrying, ranging from two glass and two bottles (e.g., Akron Brewing), one glass and one bottle (e.g., Detroit Brewing), or just two glasses (e.g., Fredericksburg Brewery). The latter, with just the two glasses, seems to be basic stock design showing up on a number of different
examples, including a “salesman’s sample”—i.e., a tray without any advertising text.
She occurs most frequently as a 12” round tray but also as a inverted pie. Rims range from solid gold/tan, to black, to green, to red with a leaf design usually with gold lettering. The date range provided accounts for a possible early date based on the fancier inverted pie designs to later dates that coincide with the copyright dates of Meek’s Bertha and the 12” round shape. Prices for good condition versions of this stock image tend to be pretty strong given its relative commonness.
Date: 1902 - 1910
Size: 12" x 1.25"
Type: SS Dish
Scarcity: Fairly Common
Value: $$$ to $$$$
Condition & Brewer Dependent
Moeschle, Inc.
Sunbury, PA
The Real Bertha!
Confirmed Brewer used Stock Trays
Non-Beer Related & Non-Tray Uses
The 'Stock' Exchange
The HD Beach Co.: 'Young Bertha'