Storck's Slinger Beer
Tray Manufacturer:
American Art Works, Inc.
Coshocton, OH
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Near Mint
Size, Shape & Style:
13.5" x 1.75"
Round SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
August 1998
Barry Hunsberger
Stock Tray:
Storck Products, Inc.
Slinger, Wisconsin
Comments: This baby is about as clean as you get. Direct from Barry Hunsberger's collcetion. A very hard to find tray, especially in this kind of condition. I saw a real crumby one on eBay go for over $100 and it was target practice quality. Very tough tray. I love the colors and subject matter.

Just watched one on eBay sell for $320.00 plus shipping and it wasn't even that great. Ouch! 3/18/01.
Brewery - Storck Theme - Animals Geography - WI Tray # 130
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