Yuengling Beer Ale-Porter
"D.G. Yuengling & Sons, Inc. - Pottsville, PA"
Tray Manufacturer:
H. D. Beach Co.
Coshocton, OH
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:

13" x 1.75"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
September 2002
Red Yuengling Eagle
Stock Tray:
D.G. Yuengling & Sons, Inc.
Pottsville, Pennsylvania
Comments: The infamous fade to Orange Yuengling tray. I am not sure what happened to these trays in the manufacturing process, but just about all of them fade from red to Orange. This one is quite rate as it is actually red. I still find it hard to believe these trays have this problem, as Beach trays are usually of superior quality construction. Good luck finding a red one and if you do, I suggest you put it behind some UV protective glass. This is my second one, as the first was a pretty orange color. You can bet, mine will not see the natural light of day very often.
Brewery - Yuengling Theme - Animals Geography - PA Tray # 765
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