Chester Brewery Inc.
"Chester, PA"
Tray Manufacturer:
American Art Works
Coshocton, OH
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
12" x 1.25"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
July 2002
Barry Hunsgerger
Chester Bottles
Stock Tray:
Chester Brewery, Inc.
Chester, Pennsylvania
Comments: This is an excellent version of a very nice tray. You see this one everyonce in a while, however since it has a black background, often they are pretty scratched up. The Bottles in this tray are called "steinies" and were typically found in 7 ounce and 12 ounce versions. These appear to be 12 ouncers.
Brewery - Chester Theme - Bottles Geography - PA Tray # 683
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