Old Grossvater Beer
"America's Finest Brew"
"The Geo. J. Renner Brewing Co. Akron, O."
Tray Manufacturer:
The Novelty Advertising Co.
Coshocton, OH
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Very Good
Size, Shape & Style:
11.5" x 13.25" x 1.25"
Rectangular - Pie Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
April 2000
Grossvater Bottle
Stock Tray:
Renner Brewing Co.
Youngstown, Ohio
Comments: A fairly common Grossvater tray. This one is actually in much better condition than the picture indicates. Some times when you take a picture, it really magnifies any issues. This is one of those cases. I believe Zepp uses a version of this tray, however I can't remember if it is this version or the one which is set landscape with two Bottles. I will have to do some more investigative work and update. If you know, send me an e-mail.
Brewery - Renner Theme - Bottles Geography - OH Tray # 642
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