Hauenstein Export Beer "Quality Beer" "Pure and Healthful - New Ulm, Minn." "The Brewery's own Bottling - Pure, Palatable, Nourishing" |
Tray Manufacturer: American Art Works Coshocton, OH |
Est. Near Mint Value: $850.00 |
Date of Manufacture: Pre-pro |
Condition: Excellent |
Size, Shape & Style: 12.5" x 16.25 x 1.25" Oval - Pie |
Date & Where Purchased: August 2002 eBay |
Nickname: Hauenstein Bottle |
Stock Tray: Yes |
Hauenstein Brewing Co. New Ulm, Minnesota |
Comments: A very nice stock Hauenstein tray. I don't quite get the slogan around the Trademark "Pure, Palatable, Nourishing?" I can't imagine Bud Light using this slogan. A very sharp tray. | ||
Brewery - Hauenstein | Theme - Bottles | Geography - MN | Tray # 814 |