Stegmaier Brewing Company
"Wilkes-Barre, PA"
"Stegmaier's: Beer - Malt Extract - Export Beer - Stock Lager"
Tray Manufacturer:
Chas. W. Shonk
Chicago, IL
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
13.75" x 10.25"x 0.5"
Rectangular - Shallow Pie - Litho
Date & Where Purchased:
August 2000
Steg Bottles by a Stream
Stock Tray:
Stegmaier Brewing Company
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Comments: A cool tray featuring the Stegmaier products by a beautiful fishing stream. You have to love the couple of Bottles tied up in the stream. Is someone keeping a few cold in an icy stream, or is this someone's catch of the day. I would bet this tray is also cross collectible for fishing collectors. I wish I had one in better condition, but until then, this one is fine.
Brewery - Stegmaier Theme - Bottles Geography - PA Tray # 634
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