White Rose Beer
"The Purest of Them All"
Tray Manufacturer:
Haufman & Strauss
New York, NY
Est. Near Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
12" x 1.5"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
June 1999
White Rose
Stock Tray:
Dallas Brewery
Dallas, Texas
Comments: Another eBay find. I believe my collection would never have seen this great tray if had not been for eBay. Critics may bemoan eBay, however it certainly has helped people expand their collections beyond regional boundaries. Being a Texas boy, this tray is a real pride in my collection. Some face ware and rim chips, however I bet their are only a few of these trays and doubt they are in much better condition.
Brewery - Dallas Theme - Bottles Geography - TX Tray # 111
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