Yuengling Premium Beer
"D.G. Yuengling & Sons, Inc. - Pottsville, PA"
Tray Manufacturer:
Continental Can Co.
Multiple Locations
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:

13" x 1.75"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
August 1998
Ruddy Hechler
Yuengling Black Label Bottle
Stock Tray:
D.G. Yuengling & Sons, Inc.
Pottsville, Pennsylvania
Comments: I understand this (the Black Label) is the tougher of the Yuengling Bottle trays. You do see it, but not as much as the White Label version. Go here to look at a side by side comparison of the two. A nice tray.
Brewery - Yuengling Theme - Bottles Geography - PA Tray # 247
 Trivia Answer - Question #4: Yuengling is the oldest operating brewer in the U.S. Yuengling has been a brewer since 1829! If you would like more information regarding America's Oldest Brewery, check out their Web Site at http://www.yuengling.com/.
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