Beverwyck Beer & Ales
"Join the Beverwyck Parade with Billy Beaver"
"pronounced BEAVERwyck"
"Beverwyck Breweries - Albany, NY"
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Near Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.5"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
November 2004
Billy Beaver Beverwyck
Stock Tray:
Beverwyck Breweries Inc.
Albany, New York
Comments: A really common, but still great tray. It has all fo the elements - great color, great fonts, a fun cartoon and interesting aspect of letting people know how to pronouce kind of a different name. You do see this tray quite often, however finding a minty one might take you a while - I think this is my third. A great tray.
Brewery - Beverwyck Theme - Cartoons Geography - NY Tray # 1075
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