"There is no better BEER!"
"The Erie Brewing Company, Erie, PA."
"Lager - Pilsner - Jackson's Select"
Tray Manufacturer:
Various Locations
Est. Near Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
12" x 1.25"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
June 2000
Tulsa OK Antique Mall
Koehler Cartoon Guys
Stock Tray:
Erie Brewing Co.
Erie, Pennsylvania
Comments: A very common tray. This one comes a 12" and a 13" version. As far as I can tell, they are exactly the same except for the size. Well, well, I had a few contacts on Jackson. It seems he was the Fictional character, Uncle Jackson. He was supposed to be the founder of Koehler beer. Seems he became quite prominent when major labels threatened the existence of Erie's local brewery in commercials. They even has a song about him. Seems the three characters featured on this tray may be singing about him! Thanks for the contact on this story.
Brewery - Erie Theme - Cartoons Geography - PA Tray # 690
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