Standard Scranton Beer
"The Best Beer Brewed is Brewed by Standard"
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.25"
Round - Pie
Date & Where Purchased:
January 2001
Scranton Standard
Stock Tray:
Standard Brewing Co. of Scranton
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Comments: Now this is a cool tray. Good luck finding one in great condition and if you do, open your check book up wide. I bet the price I have estimated might even be low. Mine has some scratches, but it is good enough for me. This is a must for any serious tray collection. This tray also comes in a 12" Straight Side Dish too.
Brewery - Standard PA Theme - Cartoons Geography - PA Tray # 224
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