Stegmaier Beer
"Cold and Gold from the Poconos"
"Brewed to the Taste of the Nation"
Tray Manufacturer:
Continental Can Co.
New York, NY
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.75"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
October 1999
Steg Chipmunks
Stock Tray:
Stegmaier Brewing Company
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Comments: The infamous Steg Chipmunk tray. People love it or love to hate it. It ranks right up there with the Yuengling Puppies, except it is older and has a bit more character. I actually like it. Kids love this one too. Maybe this means I still have some kid like qualities. I sure hope so. This tray is really easy to find, so don't pay too much for one. I picked one up a while back and then recently upgraded as part of a large lot purchase.
Brewery - Stegmaier Theme - Cartoons Geography - PA Tray # 183
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