Cruz Blanca
Tray Manufacturer:
Monterrey, Mexico
Est. Near Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Near Mint
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.75"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
August 2000
Cruz Blanca Beer & Dominoes
Stock Tray:
Cerveceria Cruz Blanca
Chihuahua, Mexico
Comments: A newer Cruz Blanca tray. I love the Peanuts, Dominoes and Beer depicted in this tray. I reminds me of the time (I know I should have been studying) I spent in college playing Dominoes at the Dixie Chicken. The games were 'Moon' or '42' - never straight Dominoes. I think the quote was something like "Straight Dominoes is for prisoners and school kids". I picked this tray up on eBay from someone I bid against on a regular basis - Jennymac. Quite an avid collector of Mexican trays, especially the Pretty Senoritas. I am sure he (his wife bids for him or they use her name anyway) has many great Mexican trays I missed out on. Thanks for this one Jennymac!!!
Brewery - Cruz Blanca Theme - Glasses Geography - SA Tray # 453
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