Gottfried Krueger Brewing Co.
"High Grade Beer"
"50 Years of Experience"
"Newark, N.J."
Tray Manufacturer:
American Art Works
Coshocton, OH
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Very Good
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.25"
Round- Pie
Date & Where Purchased:
December 2002
Red Krueger Stein
Stock Tray:
Yes - Variation
Gottfried Krueger Brewing Co.
Newark, New Jersey
Comments: I over paid for this great tray, but it was one of the top trays on my want list. This tray comes in two versions and a much more common tip tray. The other version has a blue back ground. I have never seen one in person, but I have seen a photograph of one. If you have the blue version, please snap me a picture and e-mail it to me, so I can do a side by side comparison. If I loose any money on this tray, I am betting it is not much, as this beauty will only grow in value. It has all the great attributes you look for in a tray: Great color, great subject matter, Pre-pro, high quality construction, excellent condition, a highly collected brewery and rare. A nice tray, I am thrilled to have in my collection.
Brewery - Krueger Theme - Glasses Geography - NJ Tray # 981
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