Century Beer
"Made the best... Tastes the Best"
Tray Manufacturer:
Universal Tray & Sign Co., Inc.
New York, NY
Est. Near Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Very Good
Size, Shape & Style:

12" x 1.25"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
July 2003
Red Century
Stock Tray:
Ph. Schneider Brewing Co.
Trinidad, Colorado
Comments: A very simple Century Beer tray. Fonts are the only thing which make me question if this is 1930's or not. Pretty modern font type. If someone has some info on this tray send me an e-mail. Despite its simplicity, this tray is not all that common. I have only seen two or three to date.
Brewery - Schneider Theme - Logos Geography - CO Tray # 1016
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