Famous DuBois Beer
"DuBois Brewing Co. - DuBois, PA."
"Let's Meet and Be Friends"
"United Breweries Industrial Foundation"
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Near Mint
Size, Shape & Style:
12" x 1.25"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
February 2000
Barry Hunnsberger
12" Black DuBois
Stock Tray:
DuBois Brewing Co.
DuBois, Pennsylvania
Comments: Tray # 700 is a beauty for sure. It is not all that uncommon, but when you find one in nice condition, this tray is sensational. Nothing like a clean black tray. They are kind of like black cars though - they are awesome when they are clean, but put a scratch on it and it shows everything. This one is out of Barry H's collection and is pretty darn minty. Yes, I know you can pick these babies up for $35 pretty regularly, but find a near mint one and see what you pay...
Brewery - DuBois Theme - Logos Geography - PA Tray # 700
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