Light & Hearty Topper Beer
"the light hearty beer"
Tray Manufacturer:
American Can Co.
Various Locations
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
12" x 1.25"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
October 1998
Light & Hearty Topper
Stock Tray:
Standard Rochester Brewing Co., Inc.
Rochester, New York
Comments: A classic 1950's look to this tray. I am assuming there was some type of merger of the Rochester Brewing Co. and the Standard Brewing Co. as the other Topper trays say just Rochester and this one says Standard Rochester. According to American Breweries II, they became the Standard Rochester Brewing Co. in 1956. You can drive yourself trying to figure out who bought out who, when. Brewery consolidation was wild.
According to The Beer Book, by Will Anderson, there were 1,313 breweries before Prohibition. After Prohibition, there were 750 and by 1973, only 120 or so. With all of the micro breweries popping up, I would be the number is a bit higher now.
Brewery - Rochester Theme - Logos Geography - NY Tray # 509
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