Yonkers Ale - Beer
Tray Manufacturer:
Electro-Chemical Engraving Co., Inc.
New York, NY
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
12" x 1.25"
Round SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
June 1997
12" Yonkers
Stock Tray:
Yonkers Colonial Corp.
Yonkers, NY
Comments: An eBay surprise! A surprise because I have yet to see another 12" since then. I see 13" pie version and have even seen a plate (I believe it is 13" too), but this is the only 12 incher. Bidding was furious on this one. I guess the NY collectors really like this one. The lore on this brewery is that it provided lots of beer to "speak easys" during prohibition.
Brewery - Yonkers Theme - Logos Geography - NY Tray # 135
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