Cafe Cordoba
"En Esta Marca Solo" "Cafe Puro"
Tray Manufacturer:
Chas. W. Shonk
Mexico City, Mex
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Near Mint
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.75"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
July 2001
Cafe Cordoba
Stock Tray:
Cafe Cordoba
Comments: I know, I know, it is not a "Beer" tray, but it is very cool. After all the beer trays you have most likely have already seen on this site, I thought you might just need a cup of Joe. This is a great looking tray and when I saw it, I knew I just had to have it. This tray is the closest I have ever gotten to a tray my girlfriend would let me hang anywhere in the house other than my office and game area. I tried, but guess what? She said "no!" or was it "Are you out of your mind?" Oh well, I still like it.
Brewery - None Theme - Misc Geography - Mex Tray # 566
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