Westminster Brewing Co.
"Non-Tox Temperance Beer"
Tray Manufacturer:
Meek & Beach
Coshocton, OH
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Prohibition or mid-30's
Near Mint
Size, Shape & Style:
13" 1.25"
Round - Pie - Litho
Date & Where Purchased:
February 2004
Westminster Life Saver
Stock Tray:
H.D. Beach # 119
Westminster Brewing Co.
Chicago, Illinois
Comments: There is a real good chance I have this one all messed up. This tray is in pristine condition., with only a couple of rim nicks. It was a Buy It Now on eBay and I fretted for an hour or so on if I should get it. The price was high, I had never seen it before and it was so shiny, I thought it might be clear coated. A couple of others with much more common names sold for big bucks, I always wanted a version of "The Life Saver" in my collection, so I pulled the trigger. The tray showed up and the condition was unbelievable and certainly NOT clear coated. So research is tough to come by, so I am guessing Westminster Brewing Co. in Chicago. Dates of operation indicate the brewery did not open until 1935, soon after Prohibition. The Non-Tox Temperance leaves the question on Prohibition. I am certain there is a Chicago collector out there who can set us straight. Any way, this is a great tray and I am betting I do not find another "Life Saver" in this kind of condition ever again.
Brewery - Westminster Theme - Old Guys Geography - IL Tray # 1047
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