Grossvater Beer
"Grandfathers Drinking"
"Both Phones 92"
Tray Manufacturer:
Kauffman & Strauss
New York, NY
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
13.25" x 10.5" x 1.25"
Rectangular - Pie
Date & Where Purchased:
January 2002
Grossvater Grandfathers
Stock Tray:
Renner Brewing Co.
Youngstown, Ohio
Comments: I believe there must have been a warehouse find on these in 2001. I was contacted to buy one straight up and then they started being posted on eBay on a fairly regular basis. Of course I popped early and as a result paid for it in the end as others were able to pick them up cheap. I also do not think I was given the pick of the liter. At lEast the people buying early on a warehouse find should be told multiples were found and given a shot at the nicest since we are paying top dollar. This is a super tray, I just don't really like being taken advantage of.

If someone knows what "Both Phones 92" means, please send me an e-mail. I think it means they have two phones where they can be reached and they are so high tech you can dial the same number. No waiting here. And I am betting when you phoned in your order you did not have to talk to a phone mail system for a half an hour before you reached a person. Is there anything worse on the planet. OK, you are right, auto dial phones to your house with an ad at dinner time are worse.
Brewery - Renner Theme - Parties Geography - OH Tray # 881
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