Hohenadel Beer - Ale
Tray Manufacturer:
American Can Co.
Various Locations
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.5"

Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
February 1997
Hohenadel Smoking Dog
Stock Tray:
John Hohenadel Brewery, Inc.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Comments: A fairly common tray, with an interesting theme for sure. Men of the cloth, sitting around drinking and watching a miniature Schnauzer smoking a cigarette. Now what the heck is this all about. Anyway it is classic. It is kind of a stock tray. It is the only 13" version I am aware of. * There is a 12" version used by Old German (Fresno) and Franklin Brewing Co. (PA).
Brewery - Hohenadel Theme - Parties Geography - PA Tray # 246
 Trivia Answer - Question #27:  This tray is know as "Hohenadel Smoking Dog".
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