Home Brewing Co.
"St. Louis, U.S.A. - Genuine German Beer"
Tray Manufacturer:
Chas. W. Shonk
Chicago, IL
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
1892 - 1901
Size, Shape & Style:
12" x 0.5"
Round - Plate - Litho
Date & Where Purchased:
October 1999
Home Brewing of St. Louis
Stock Tray:
Home Brewing Co.
St. Louis, Missouri
Comments: What is it with all of these Friars sitting around drinking? There must be a dozen different trays with men of the cloth pounding down the hops, malt and barley. This one is from the Home Brewing Co. of St. Louis. There is a restaurant close to the downtown area (Sarah St. for the St. Louis boys) called Razino's, which has an unapplied Litho of this this tray. It is framed and hanging back by the bathrooms. Unapplied Lithos are interesting as they are the reverse of the tray and look like an iron on for a t-shirt. I think this tray is pretty rare. Other stock versions of this tray include Tremont Brewing Co. from Fremont, PA and Pfeiffer Brewing Co. of Detroit.
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