Pabst - Milwaukee
"Bohemian - Export - Bavarian - Blue Ribbon - Select - Doppelbrau"
"Perfection and Purity Make Pabst the Popular Beer"
Tray Manufacturer:
Chas. W. Shonk Litho Co.
Chicago, IL
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Very Good
Size, Shape & Style:
18.5" x 15.25 x 0.75"
Oval - Inverted Pie
Date & Where Purchased:
May 2001
Pabst Elves
Stock Tray:
Pabst Brewing Co.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Comments: This is a tough one to find in good condition. You do see this tray quite often, but many are in very poor shape.
Brewery - Pabst Theme - Parties Geography - WI Tray # 401
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