Peoples Beer and Old Derby Ale
Tray Manufacturer:
American Art Works, Inc.
Coshocton, OH
Not Marked, but has rolled bottom and exact dimensions of other marked 13" AAW trays.
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Near Mint
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.75"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
July 1998
Ruddy @
Peoples Old Derby
Stock Tray:
Peoples Brewing Co.
Oshkosh, WI
Comments: Another great tray from Ruddy's collection. Have not gone wrong yet. This tray is in spectacular shape with no issues to speak of (12th Grade English teacher rolling in her grave right now after that dangling preposition). Very nice tray. Appears to have been produced right around the time the Wurtzer tray was. They are very similar with colors being almost identical, however reversed. Take a look at the Wurtzer for a comparison.
Brewery - Peoples Theme - Ponies Geography - WI Tray # 120
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