Rolling Rock
"Rolling Rock the Premium Beer"
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Near Mint
Size, Shape & Style:

12" x 1.25"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
February 2000
1940's Rolling Rock
Stock Tray:
Latrobe Brewing Co.
Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Comments: A very nice Rolling Rock tray. These are very popular. Hold out for a nice one as they are around.
Brewery - Latrobe Theme - Ponies Geography - PA Tray # 327
 Trivia Answer - Question #19: Lore has it the "33" which you see on most all Rolling Rock stuff is a mistake at the pint shop. It seems someone added up all of the words in the add proof and wrote the number on the proof. At some point in the process, someone thought it was supposed to be there and it became part of the add. Who knows. Even the Rolling Rock web site keeps you guessing. the number of words on a piece of add copy. Check our a page of 33 Theories here. I have no clues what it means, but I am sticking with my answer above until someone proves I am wrong.
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