Falls City
"Ice and Beverage Co., Incorporated"
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:

10.5" x 13.25" x 1.25"
Rectangular - Pie
Date & Where Purchased:
June 1998
A-B Flea Market
Proibition Falls City
Stock Tray:
Falls City Ice and Beverage Co., Inc.
Louisville, Kentucky
Comments: I have seen this version in the tan colors and I have also seen it in a dark blue version. I picked this tray up in an employee Flea Market AB has a couple of times a year. They set up the Flea Market in the parking lot of the brewery. A bunch of junk, but lots of fun.
Brewery - Falls City Theme - Prohibition Geography - KY Tray # 282
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