Old Heidelberg
"Hop Flavored - Malt Syrup
Schmidt Product Co.
1046 Holden Ave. - 19733 Fenkell Ave
Detroit, Mich. - Phone Northway 5934"
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Very Good
Size, Shape & Style:

13.25" x 13.25" x 1.25"
Square - Pie
Date & Where Purchased:
December 2000
eBay Contact
Schmidt Old Heidelberg
Stock Tray:
Schmidt Product Co.
Detroit, Michigan
Comments: Another great tray from Davipar on eBay. Twice reserve was not met, so I contacted Davipar and we worked a deal. A very nice tray. Cleaned up very well.
Brewery - Schmidt Theme - Prohibition Geography - MI Tray # 284
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