Cerveceria de Mexicali, S.A.
"Pilsener Superior"
Tray Manufacturer:
Monterrey, Mexico
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Near Mint
Size, Shape & Style:
13.5" x 1.75"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
September 2000
Mexicali Senorita
Stock Tray:
Cerveceria de Mexicalli
Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
Comments: A very sharp Senorita tray. When it arrived in the mail I was bumbed as I thought it had some type of a problem behind her sombrero. It turns out it is supposed to be on the tray and represent a shadow or something. This tray gives you the option of putting it in the Food, Bottles, Glasses and Senorita Themes, however she is the most prominent and therefore Senoritas it is. Those enchiladas do look pretty good however. Other than some rim nicks, this beauty is clean. Guessing on the date, so if you know more than I send me an e-mail.
Brewery - Mexicali Theme - Senoritas Geography - SA Tray # 456
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