"Who Wants The Handsome Waiter"
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.25"
Round Pie - Litho
Date & Where Purchased:
March 1998
Hampden Handsome Waiter, Handsome Waiter Tray, Hampden Ugly Waiter, & Ugly Waiter Tray
Stock Tray:
Hampden Brewing Co.
Willimansett, Massachusetts
Comments: One of the most popular trays for collectors for sure. This is a stock tray, with at lEast three different breweries using it. Cincinnati Cream a Canadian Brewery and Springfield are the two others I am aware of. The Cincinnati Cream version appears to made on the common light weight gold material and as a result has a different look to it. Mine is in excellent shape with only a few minor scratches. Everything shows on this tray, so finding a near mint one is pretty tough. Go here to look at a side by side comparison of this one, the Cincinnati Cream version from Canada and its US Springfield cousin.
Brewery - Hampden Theme - Waiters Geography - MA Tray # 147
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