Springfield Beer
"Hampden Ale & Porter - Liberty Ale Lager"
"Gold Medal Tivoli - Highland Lager & Ale"
"Springfield Breweries Co., Springfield, Mass."
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
13" x 1.25"
Round Pie - Litho
Date & Where Purchased:
September 2002
Springfield Handsome Waiter, Handsome Waiter Tray, Hampden Ugly Waiter, & Ugly Waiter Tray
Stock Tray:
Springfield Breweries Co.
Springfield, Massachusetts
Comments: Another version of the Handsome Waiter. Go here to take a look at a side by side of this version, the Hampden version and their Canadian cousin, Cincinnati Cream.Indications are it is Pre-pro based on the name of the brewery. Not sure if it is correct however. One of the all time classic trays for sure. They are pretty plentiful, but they are so popular they maintain their value pretty well. Hold out for a clean one - they are worth it. Note this version has one bottle, while the Hampden version has two Glasses of beer. Also there might be a connection with Hampden as "Hampden Ale & Porter" is noted on the right side of the tray. There is also a rectangular version of this tray, which is the toughest of all of the Handsome Waiters. One does not grace my collection yet, but I have included a picture in the Compare above.
Brewery - Springfield Theme - Waiters Geography - MA Tray # 849
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