Stroh's Bohemian Beer
"Served Wherever Quality Counts"
"Detroit, Mich."
Tray Manufacturer:
The Meek Co.
Chicago, IL
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
12" 1.25"
Round - SS Dish
Date & Where Purchased:
October 2004
Stroh's Waiter
Stock Tray:
The Stroh Brewery Co.
Detroit, Michigan
Comments: This attractive waiter tray gives a nice view of the Stroh's label on two Bottles. I am no expert on labels, but I pretty clearly remember drinking a Stroh's in college and it having pretty much the same label on it. Sometimes not messing with a good thing is the way to go. This is a nice tray, which is not all that hard to find, but you guessed it, finding one in great condition is gonna cost ya! Third time is a charm for me on this one. I hate upgrading that many times, but some trays are worth it and this is certainly one of them.
Brewery - Strohs Theme - Waiters Geography - MI Tray # 668
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