Altes Lager Bier
"Bottled Only at the Brewery of Tivoli Brewing Co." "Detroit, Michigan U.S.A."
"Telephone Hickory 440"
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Size, Shape & Style:
13.25" x 10.5" x 1.25"
Rectangular - Pie
Date & Where Purchased:
Altes Wood Grain
Stock Tray:
Tivoli Brewing Co.
Detroit, Michigan
Comments: This is a fairly common pre-pro tray. They are usually in pretty beat up condition. I have never actually seen one in great condition. I am sure I will someday, however as with almost all trays, the nice ones are squirreled away in collections. So is it true that "Tivoli" comes from "I Lov It" spelled backwards? I'm not buying it, but I am also no expert. E-mail me if you have solid proof and we can set the rumor to rest.
Brewery - Tivoli - MI Theme - Wood Grain Geography - MI Tray # 308
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