American Brewery
"Fred. Bauernschmidt - Baltimore, MD"
Tray Manufacturer:
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Very Good
Size, Shape & Style:
16.5" x 13.75" x 0.75"
Oval - Inverted Pie - Litho
Date & Where Purchased:
January 2005
American Bottles
Stock Tray:
Buffalo Cooperative Brewing Co.
Buffalo, New York
Comments: Tough American Brewery tray. Don't think I have seen another one of these yet. These smoking cigar trays were pretty popular in the early 1900's - interesting how things come back around. Note to self, contact Cigar Aficionado Magazine and see if they want a couple of pictures for their mag.
Brewery - Free State Theme - Bottles Geography - MD Tray # 1092
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