14th Anniversary
Beer Driver's Union 132
"of Philadelphia and Vicinity"

"International Uion of the United Brewery Worker of America"
"Union Made Beer, Ale and Porter"
Tray Manufacturer:
American Art Works
Coshocton, OH
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Pre-pro - 1913
Very Good
Size, Shape & Style:
10.5" x 13.25" x 1.25"
Rectangular - Pie - Litho
Date & Where Purchased:
September 2003
Beer Drivers Union
"Good Morning"
Stock Tray:
American Art Works
Good Morning
Beer Driver's Union, Local 132
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Comments:The classic stock tray "Good Morning" was used on the 14th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Beer Drivers Union 132. I believe I have seen this tray in this rectangular verison and the larger square version. This tray was an eBay pickup. It also came with a very nice Stein commenorating the same 14th Anniversary. The Stein clearly has '1932' stamped on the lower ring. Go here to get a look at the Stein. Pretty cool to date something this precisely. This is a great tray. Only one I have seen as of the creation of this Tray Detail page (4/04).
Brewery - Union 132 Theme - Misc. & Ponies Geography - PA Tray # 101*
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