Jacob Ruppert - New York
"Extra Pale - Extra Lager - Ruppiner Beer"
Tray Manufacturer:Hausermann M.M. Co.
New York & Chicago
Est. Mint Value:
Date of Manufacture:
Near Mint
Size, Shape & Style:
16.5" x 13.75" x 0.75"
Oval - Litho
Date & Where Purchased:
January 2005
Ruppert Eagle & Flags
Stock Tray:
Jacob Ruppert
New York, New York
Comments: One of the most amazing trays in my collection. This litho looks like it was made yesterday. Incredible tray. Take a look at a comparison with the Doelger pre-pro tray. Looks like the same eagle art work was used for both. Buy this tray if you find one - guarantee you will never loose your investment. Wow, what a tray - what tray collecting is all about.
Brewery - Ruppert Theme - Animals Geography - NY Tray # 1090
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